What’s new from New Horizon?

May Update 2024

The countdown is on until New Horizon 2024.  Our first evening celebration is less than 12 weeks away on 3 August.  We are thrilled that there are lots of new things happening at the moment so read on for some of the latest updates!

Hi, I’m Ashleigh McConkey, I’m married to James, and we have two young girls (5 and 2).  We got married in 2016 and have settled in Belfast. Together with James, I have been attending New Horizon since 2014 and have made such great friends during this time. 

We had been praying for an opportunity to enable me to spend more time with our girls, so when the role of Team Admin Coordinator for an organisation close to our hearts came up, I had to apply.  My background is very different to this new role, I was previously a Cell Sciences Lab Manager and had been in the science field for nearly 10 years. I am looking forward to learning and growing in this new role and feel blessed that this is part of God’s plan for my life. 

A little bit about me outside of work life, I love all things creative, I’ll give anything a good go. I used to own a little home bakery and I love taking on a new crochet project.  I began baking sourdough at the start of this year and I am trying to get back into running after having the girls, I’d love to run a marathon at some stage!

I’m looking forward to meeting many new faces at New Horizon, so if you see me around, do come have a chat, and if you need anything, you can reach me at ashleigh.mcconkey@newhorizon.org.uk (or office@newhorizon.org.uk)

There is no adult registration required to attend New Horizon – just come along but you can now register children and young people for the creche, Scripture Union, Salt Factory Sports and Scripture Union SEN as well as for On the Edge and LiveWire Youth programmes on our website Children’s & Youth Programme.  Remember that the Early Bird Discount closes on 14 June.

New for 2024, we are delighted to announce that we are launching a new Podcast – watch out for new episodes weekly from Thursday 23 May right up until New Horizon in August.  Find out what goes on behind the scenes at New Horizon.  Catch the vision as we chat to some of our speakers and get excited about our theme “EXTRAordinary” and meet the people who work so hard in our Children’s and Youth Programmes.  From worship and prayer to administration and mission, we hope you’ll be as excited as we are and join us in praying for #NH2024.

You’d be so welcome to join us for a morning of worship and prayer along with a delicious breakfast at Wellington Presbyterian Church in Ballymena.  To register click here.

We are deeply grateful for God’s provision for New Horizon and especially for our monthly supporters who provide financial stability to the ministry.  Each one of you is a vital part of our team. Thank you!  If you would like to become a monthly partner or to give a one off donation, please use the link below this enables you to spread the cost of New Horizon and ensure the ministry can continue and bless many others.

Saturday 8 June: New Horizon Prayer Breakfast in Ballymena 

Saturday 3 – Friday 9 August: New Horizon 2024 – “EXTRA Ordinary”

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