As part of New Horizon, the Mission Hub seeks to provide followers of Jesus with a way to engage with mission and the Global Church in a relevant way. The hub explores how we can practically apply what God is calling us to learn and to do as His people. For some, this might be connecting with new agencies. Others will have the opportunity to reconnect with staff and volunteers from agencies that they support. For others it’s an opportunity to hear more about what God is doing, leading to a deeper commitment to be involved in praying, giving or going.
The theme for the conference this year is EXTRA-Ordinary – Treasure in Jars of Clay.
“You are the light of the world.A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”(Matthew 5:14)
We all have influence. In our homes and neighbourhoods, in workplaces and churches, on buses and in shops, in person and online, the way we act and speak impacts others around us in some way. When it feels like Christians are a minority whose influence is declining, we must not retreat in self-protection. We need courage to stand firm and move forward with confidence in Christ. Our power to influence is not in our ordinary selves – our strength or understanding – but in our extraordinary Saviour – His power and wisdom – who is at work in us by the Spirit.
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.(2 Corinthians 4:7)
As we look at this theme in 2024, we are excited to see how God will use the Mission Hub to motivate and inspire people to continue taking God’s message out to the world around us, whether that be closer to home or across the nations.
There will be opportunities to interact, pray, ask questions and perhaps even consider new areas of mission and outreach that God may be placing on your heart this week. So why not grab a coffee and come and chat to some of the representatives in the Mission Hub – below is a list of the organisations that will be present this year.
***The Mission Hub is overseen by Mission Action Partnership (MAP). MAP is a ministry of Global Connections***