The Event 2024

New Horizon 2024 takes place from Saturday 3 August to Friday 9 August.

Our Speakers for 2024

We are looking forward to ministry from our Main Stage speakers on our theme “Extra-Ordinary.” We are delighted that Peter J Williams from Tyndale House will lead our Morning Bible Teaching and Gilbert Lennox, Laura Bell and John Graham will be speakers at some of our Evening Celebrations. Our special guest Prof. John Lennox will be joining us by LiveLink on Wednesday evening.

Our Programme

Our programme runs from Saturday evening 3 August to Friday evening 9 August with worship from New Irish Arts, Bible teaching, thought-provoking and relevant seminars, children’s and youth programmes, our Mission Hub and Faith Mission bookshop and many opportunities for fellowship with Christians from across New Horizon and beyond.

Evening Celebrations run daily from Saturday to Friday at 7.30pm until 9.15pm and feature worship.

Bible Teaching runs daily from Monday to Friday from 10am until 11am.

NH Explore (Seminars) run daily from Monday to Friday from 11.45am to 12.45pm featuring a range of interesting, helpful and thought-provoking topics. View our full seminar programme HERE



New Horizon is held at: The Coleraine campus of Ulster University – look out for the big blue tent. Cromore Road, Coleraine, Co Londonderry, Northern Ireland, BT52 1SA. See or download the CAMPUS MAP.

Parking is available in the university car parks. This is free at weekends and after 7pm in the evenings.

The following buses stop at the University

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our FAQ section for answers to practical questions that arise or message us on social media. During this year’s event, you can visit the Information Desk to find answers to any queries that arise.

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