“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3: 1- 3 (NIV)
NH2022 August Update
Will you join us this Saturday 6 August? We are expecting great things as we gather together in the big blue tent once again to worship, renew fellowship and hear God’s word. Our theme “Renewed Minds” will explore how God is able to transform us from within.
Come on Saturday evening at 7.30pm for the first of our Evening Celebrations. New Irish Arts will be leading us in worship and our speaker is Ben Stuart from Passion City Church in Washington DC. For an overview of the event and more information about the programme, visit our website New Horizon 2022 . We are looking forward to welcoming you!
Let’s Pray
Will you join us this week in praying for New Horizon? We have created a daily prayer focus as we seek God’s blessing on our time together. See below.
Can you help?
There are still opportunities to help out behind the scenes at New Horizon this summer. Check out our website, message us on social media or come and visit the Information Desk when you arrive. In particularly, we are looking for more stewards and “tent sitters”.
Partner in the vision
New Horizon exists be used by God, through the power of His Spirit to inspire a selfless surrender to His Son, a radical obedience to His Word, an enduring passion for His Kingdom and an unconditional love for His World.
Giving to New Horizon is an opportunity to partner in this vision. Main tent events and seminars are free for everyone to attend and we want to keep it that way. Your giving enables this ethos of generosity, so please give generously as you are able.
Thank you for your support
The Board & Management Team