Mission Hub Application


Dear Mission Agency/Organisation, 

Every year thousands of people gather for a week of worship and inspirational Bible teaching at the Ulster University, Coleraine. This year, once again, the Mission Hub cafe will take up it’s space located inside the larger tent beside the café and the bookshop will take up residence in the former cafe tent. We hope that this placement of the Mission Hub beside the café will give more opportunities for you to maximise the impact of sharing your story as we aim to increase footfall and engagement with Mission agencies/organisations throughout the whole conference. 

We seek to have a variety of mission organisations representing work both here in the UK and right around the world and our hope is that you will have opportunities to share about your work with those attending this year’s event. 

There are three price points for this year’s event 

COST FOR THE WEEK:     4m x 2m stands – £630 each (2 available)

                                                3m x 2m stands – £475 each (3 available)

                                                2m x 2m stands – £315 each (12 available)

                                                2m x 1m stands – £260 each (3 available)

                                                Electric Socket – £25 per stand

The application form must be submitted online by Friday 15 March 2024 and an ‘offer of a stand’ email will be dispatched by end of March to those organisations who have been successful. 

Payment will be requested after the ‘offer of a stand’ has been confirmed, please do not send any money with the application form. 

Yours faithfully,

Pam McCullagh

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