“Weeping may last for a night but joy comes in the morning.”
Proverbs 30:5
New Horizon 2023: Joy from the Ashes
(Saturday 5 to Friday 11 August)
Will you join us this Saturday 5 August? We are expecting great things as we gather together in the big blue tent once again to worship, renew fellowship and hear God’s word. This year’s theme is “Joy from the Ashes” – as we weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice
Join us on Saturday evening at 7.30pm for the first of our Evening Celebrations. New Irish Arts will be leading us in worship and our speaker is Arianna Walker from Mercy UK.
Later in the week, we will hear from Archbishop Ben Kwashi and from Monday to Friday Tony Horsfall will be leading us in the morning Bible Teaching sessions from 10am. For an overview of the event and more information about the programme, visit our website New Horizon 2023 . We are looking forward to welcoming you!
New Horizon exists … to inspire a selfless surrender to the Lord Jesus, a radical obedience to His Word, an enduring passion for His Kingdom and an unconditional love for His World. Giving to New Horizon is an opportunity to partner in this wonderful vision. We want to continue to offer our conference free of charge so that everyone can benefit from worship, fellowship and Bible teaching without any barriers but we can only do that with the generous support of those who partner with us.
Check out this short video sharing some of the ways you can donate online (see link below). This year there will also be “Tap to Donate” stations available.
Search NEW HORIZON NI in the App Store or PlayStore to download our app with details of the daily programme, news and information for the week.
Will you join us this week in praying for New Horizon? We have created a daily prayer focus as we seek God’s blessing on our time together. See below.
If you have a few hours free this week, why not join the dedicated volunteers of the Site Team to help prepare for New Horizon this year. Monday 31 July to Friday 4 August: 09:00 to 21:00 (volunteer slots available throughout the day). If you can help on a particular date, please email Aaron.